Live Sound Culture & Hearing Management.
Whoever has an ear, let them hear ...
This website explores live sound culture, and hearing management, and showcases the author’s portfolio
The resources and links provided on this site can help readers learn more about the value of critical listening, reducing hearing fatigue, mixing with hearing challenges, SPL vs loudness, metering terminology, IEMs, and earplugs, SPL exposure risk, and the audio engineer's most valuable tool - the ear. Hopefully, it will also provide some food for thought on audio engineering culture, practice, and more.
The live sound experience is powerful, connecting feelings, memories, and people physically, emotionally, socially & spiritually. Audio participants' choices should best balance artistic integrity, audience satisfaction, and safety
The Audio Engineer
Within the live-sound 'experience', the audio engineer stands in a pivotal and rarely understood role as a creative multitasker and problem solver. From the stage, the talent may provide the source audio. Still, it is the audio engineer who makes crucial decisions to weigh up all the contributing sonic influences, and the opinions and expectations of others. They are gatekeepers, directing the flow, by which the 'experience' is shared.
The audio engineering role can be a satisfying one by employing an engineer's knowledge, skills, musicality, and focus, in a creative outlet. As with musicians, audio engineering brings many health benefits through making sense of sound and includes improving brain development, attention, memory, multitasking ability, motor skills, and reaction times. Some research would also suggest that such involvement can reduce the onset of dementia. In contrast, too much audio exposure can negate many of these amazing benefits.
The audio engineering role can be a satisfying one by employing an engineer's knowledge, skills, musicality, and focus, in a creative outlet. As with musicians, audio engineering brings many health benefits through making sense of sound and includes improving brain development, attention, memory, multitasking ability, motor skills, and reaction times. Some research would also suggest that such involvement can reduce the onset of dementia. In contrast, too much audio exposure can negate many of these amazing benefits.
Selwyn Sounds - SC FoH Tech
Me he wai tā tieke
Like the saddleback sprinkling itself with water. Good in moderation, but one can have too much of a good thing. There is value in moderation but danger in excess.
Like the saddleback sprinkling itself with water. Good in moderation, but one can have too much of a good thing. There is value in moderation but danger in excess.
whakataukī (Maori Proverb)
O, it is excellentTo have a giant’s strength, but it is tyrannousTo use it like a giant”
My job was to get a balance and be invisible, to be a servant of the music and provide the technology to establish an emotional connection between the musicians and audience
Bryan Bell, FOH engineer